general contractor selected

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Master Plan: phase one approved

view phase one images here

Master Plan Final Report - January 2024

view final report here

St. Dunstan's Master Plan Goals:

1. Provide a Master Plan that facilitates St. Dunstan's mission to unite all people with the love of God.

2. Develop exciting new architecture and refresh existing facilities to promote our Christian mission, enable community fellowship, support outreach, and attract new members to the parish.

3. Provide excellent and exciting spaces for Children and Youth ministries that will attract young families.

4. Improve the visibility of the campus from Stuebner Airline and make the campus entrances more visible and inviting.

5. Develop the west four-acre parcel with flexible facilities that engage the parish and broader community.

6. Provide larger, brighter Parish Hall facilities with a commercial kitchen and larger restrooms and other support spaces, that will comfortably accommodate the whole parish and future community events.

7. Renovate the Nave interiors, by providing larger and more functional areas for music, sacristy/altar guild, clergy vesting and the church entrance/foyer.

8. Expand and consolidate the church offices, in an environment that promotes collaboration and pastoral care.

9. Improve the safety and security of the campus while maintaining gracious invitation to newcomers and members alike.

10. Provide maintenance friendly materials, energy efficient systems, and new/future technology for new and renovated buildings.