Give and it will be given to you….(Luke 6:38)

For more information on our "IN HIS STEPS" Campaign, please click the following link to watch a brief video with Fr. Roman & our IHS Ministry Directors, Mitch & Cathy LeJeune.

Please double-click on the donate button next to the ministry/category that you would like to donate to.  Please specify the person/reason for your donation in the “description” field of the donate form.  All donations are processed through a secure site, PayPal, and can be made with Master Card, Visa, Discover, or PayPal account.

Thank you and God Bless!

If you need assistance with setting up or changing Recurring Pledges, please call the office at 281-440-1600.
Sunday Offering - guests & members - Give thanks for God's blessings and share in his abundance by walking "in his steps" of generosity. Your offering supports St. Dunstan’s Online Worship, Campus, Adult, Youth and Children's ministries, Worship services, Outreach missions, and other programs.  

  Memorial Donations – remember your loved ones through a gift to God.  ***Please specify the person/reason for your donation in the “description” field ~ in celebration of, in thanksgiving for, memory of.

   Sunday Flowers – remember your loved ones through a gift that helps flower the altar on Sunday mornings.  ***Please specify the person/reason for your donation in the “description” field  ~ in celebration of, in thanksgiving for, in memory of. Names will be printed in the Sunday Leaflet.  Minimum donation of $150.00

Youth Stock Sale - Invest in our Youth Program! $25 per share which includes your ticket to the 2026 Youth Stockholders Supper. Your support enables youth to participate in mission trips, summer camp, and other activities throughout the year.

Easter FlowersRemember or honor a loved one through our glorious flowers & music on Easter & have their name in printed in the Easter service leaflets. Deadline for leaflets April 13th.