10:10AM IN the mace room ADULT & OUTREACH MINISTRY social
Grab a sticker nametag, write your name & ministry, & talk about it!
Join us for this Ministry Social for Donuts, Coffee & conversation about the incredible ministries at St. Dunstan's. What better way to learn about them than from the ministry members themselves?!
Teachers, administrators, students: Bring your backpacks, planners, devices to be blessed for the upcoming school year
We are also collecting and blessing donations of Backpacks to give to children in need.
Join us in the Bentley Education Center for a Children & Youth Ministry – Open House.
Check out and tour the classrooms, look at the Godly Play works and curriculum, sign your kids up for fall programs, and more.
Stop by for crafts and cookies.
gODLY pLAY | tODDLER sUNDAY sCHOOL | cHILDREN'S cHAPEL | nURSERY | acolyte youth corp | Jr. daughters of the king | father child camping retreat | student music progrAMS | mOTHERS OF PRESCHOOLERS | dAD'S fIRST FRIDAYS | Youth Group | Jr HIgh & Sr Hgh Sunday School | Youth Mission trip | Camp Eagle | youth prayer partners