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Lock-In 2024

Lock-In 2024

by Sandy Jones on July 31, 2024

The annual Youth Lock-in was July 26-27 here in the Education Building. We had thirteen youth attend. This was the first youth event attended by seven of the participants. The three adult volunteers and I were so impressed by what we saw during this over-night event. Youth were friendly with one another and made an effort to make everyone feel welcome.

Whenever anyone was alone or not participating, one of the youth would go and encourage that person to rejoin the activity. Several youth volunteered to help without being asked - two youth helped me cook the traditional midnight breakfast and another helped carry trash out to the dumpster. During our get to know you game, one youth shared the desire to grow in faith and to be more diligent in following Christ’s example.

In Luke 18:16, “Jesus called the children to him and said, ‘Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.’” I have been blessed to see our youth following the example of Jesus this weekend and throughout my time here at St. Dunstan’s. We are blessed to have wonderful youth in our congregation and to have new youth joining us. Please continue to pray for the youth as they face challenges and difficult decisions which impact their lives’ journeys. Please continue to pray for the youth ministry here at St. Dunstan’s that we might be able to meet the needs of these youth and to play a part in helping them to become the young adults and followers of Jesus they are meant to be.

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