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Growing our Youth Garage Sale

Growing our Youth Garage Sale

by Sandy Jones on July 17, 2024

Several folks have asked me about plans for an upcoming garage sale to support our youth group’s trip to Camp Eagle in Summer 2025. The annual garage sale has officially been placed on the church’s calendar for the morning of October 5, 2024. If you have any items you would like to donate, we will be collecting them in room 315 of the Education Building beginning this week. If you plan to drop off items, please make sure you come to the church during office hours - Monday through Thursday 8:00-5:00 PM and Friday 8:00 AM to noon. The room will also be open on Sundays from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM.

In addition to the garage sale, the Youth will also have a booth at the SOS Market on October 26, where they will have hand-made crafts which can be yours for a nominal donation. Any funds raised will be used to help our youth attend camp next summer. If you are crafty and would like to donate craft items to this booth, please contact Sandy Jones at , or you can leave them on the counter in Youth Room 1.

If you are interested in working with the youth of St. Dunstan’s through teaching Sunday School, participating in weekly Youth Group, or chaperoning our upcoming Youth Lock-In (scheduled for July 26 from 6 PM to July 27 at 9 AM) please contact Sandy Jones at or 832-671-7140.

Please remember to keep our Youth in your prayers as they face a multitude of challenges and are making decisions that help guide the path of their life’s journey. It is an exciting and difficult time of life and they need the support of their church family.


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