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Snowmaggedon 2025

Snowmaggedon 2025

by The Reverend Dr. Roman D. Roldan on January 21, 2025

TLDR: We all woke up today to a very strange scene: Snow on the ground, schools and offices closed, roads open to emergency personnel only, and temperatures in the high teens. Read on for a brief reflection on this snow event.

I remember a surreal scene that took place about seven years ago in Saint Francisville, LA. It was a Thursday, about 11:00 pm, and I was walking back home after our weekly poker game at a friend’s house. The Rectory was located about three city blocks from the host, so I had decided to walk. As I left my friend’s house, I had the distinct feeling that I was being followed. Somewhat nervously, I looked back and saw nothing. Yet, that feeling persisted. About half a block later, I saw a small snake, no more than two and a half to three feet. She was walking on the same direction as I, close to the edge of the street, where the drainage canals were. I was walking towards the center of the street, so there was little chance of being bitten, but I thought it was very surreal. Whenever I would stop, the small snake would stop, and whenever I would resume my walk, she would start again. It was as though she knew I had a bit too much of my 1792 Bourbon and wanted to make sure I got home safe. Quietly, the small snake and I walked to the Rectory. She waited at the bottom as I climbed the hilly driveway and then continued on her way down the street to the river.

This morning, I woke up to another surreal experience: Snow in Spring and Lake Conroe, Texas. Not just a dusting, either, but enough snow to build “Ashmere Joe,” featured in this blog (courtesy of my wife.) We truly live in strange times, and sometimes we are presented with images that are a bit hard to believe. The headlines in papers today call this “A once in a generation winter storm.” They also marvel that the storm has created treacherous driving conditions from Houston to Southern Louisiana and parts of Florida. In fact, as I write this blog, New Orleans is experiencing a blizzard that will result in record amounts of snow fall.

These types of storms allow us the opportunity to huddle around loved ones to catch a bit of respite from the busyness of our lives. As more flights are cancelled, roads closed, and warnings issued by authorities to stay in place, we have no choice but to take a small break from everyday life. Perhaps this is a good time to be reminded of the reasons why we do what we do. We build careers, travel to various places, spend a great deal of time away from home and communities, and use the majority of our energy serving the needs, desires, and ambitions of other people, for one primary reason: the care of the families God has placed in our lives. We engage in work outside of the home to provide and care for the people inside of the home. It is all about them, they are our primary duty and responsibility. Without them, the rest of what we do loses the majority of its meaning and importance. May these next few days give you an opportunity to spend real, quality time with your families and to give thanks for their presence in our lives.

Now, for you all you who are retired, I pray that this momentary period of isolation allow you real time to decompress and relax. Retirement is much busier than people imagine. Some of our retired people are busier than many of us who are employed full-time. Activity is often seen as indicative of a life filled with purpose, but, as Ecclesiastes says, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die,… a time for war and a time for peace.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1-10.) May these next few days bring you a break from toil and labor. Cease all efforts to control your life and the lives of others and enjoy the God who speaks in silence. Let go of the worries that consume your days and enjoy the provisions that a loving God gives you every day. This is the time to rest and fill your eyes with the wonders of snow. Open the windows and marvel at God’s creation. It may be a while before you see snow and sleet again. This is an opportunity to touch and smell snow. I promise the reality is much different than the images we have gathered in our mind from movies and television.

May this Snowmageddon give you the opportunity to marvel at the works of God and may this forced isolation give you a real opportunity for rest.

May our Lord continue to bless you.

Fr. Roman+

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