Our Youth Program offers opportunity for service, fellowship and study.
The foundation of our mission includes:
- Sunday Morning Worship
- Bible Study
- Prayer
- Fun Fellowship Events
- Service Projects
- Diocesan Retreats
Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness. Colossians 2:7
Summer Programs
2025 Camp Eagle Dates TBD
All Junior High & High School Youth (current 5th graders through current 12th graders) are invited to Camp Eagle in Rocksprings, Texas!
Camp Eagle's mission is to inspire Christ-like change through outdoor adventure, authentic relationships, and Biblical truth. Hiking the hill country, swimming in the Nueces River, flying down the Zip 3k serve as the backdrop for serious Bible study, joyous worship, and relationship building.
The group will leave in 15-passenger vans. All food, including lunch on the road, will be provided. A packing list will be released about a month before our trip.
Pricing for summer trips
The total cost of the trip to Camp Eagle is $550. We ask a $50 deposit to hold a spot. Please click the DONATE button below to pay your $50 deposit.
A scholarship is available to anyone who needs it, and we will be doing fundraising events to offset the cost. Last year we were able to successfully send all youth on summer trips through fundraising efforts.
For more information, questions, or concerns, please contact Sandy Jones at
Click to make your trip deposit digitally
Join us for the 2024-2025 program year!!
Download, print and turn in your 2024-2025 Family Registration form by pressing the button below. Only one form is needed per family. You can return the form by placing it in the youth mail box in the Mace Room or via email at
2024-25 family registration form
Jr High 6th-8th graders: Youth Room 1 in the Bentley Education Center
Join us at 10:10 every Sunday as we use Echo the Story to study the Bible with video, sketching, reenacting, and conversation.
Sr. High 9th-12th graders: Youth Room 3 in the Bentley Education Center
Join us every Sunday at 10:10am as we use video and conversation to study prayer, sin, mission, salvation and the Bible with t.b.d. think. believe. do.
Youth Group
Sunday Nights @ 6pm-7:15PM
Join us Sunday nights at 6PM. We gather, share a meal and our Pows & Wows (one good thing and one not so good thing) from the week, play a game together then do a short Bible Study. Bring $5 for the meal--if you don't have it, come anyway!
We are using Teen Text. We look at one of the readings from that Sunday's lectionary and Go Deep, Be Real, Let Go. Plus we look at different media (film, art, literature) that illustrate the reading.
Occasionally Youth Group will meet off campus for a fun activity such as bowling, rock climbing, trampoline parks, etc. Newcomers and friends are always welcome!
Text “@stdsyo” to 81010 for info and text reminders about events.

Happening is back!
HAPPENING—for Texas Episcopal Youth 9th – 12th grade
Happening is designed to provide an opportunity for high school youth to encounter Christ in the midst of an intentional Christian community. Features of the weekend include teen leadership with support from clergy and lay adults, talks, songs, worship, and small group activities.
2024 Happening dates
Happening #181 - Sept. 27-29, 2024 at Camp Allen
Happening #182 - Nov. 21-23, 2024 at Camp Allen
For more information or to register go to http://www.epicenter.org/happening/
All volunteers that work with youth and/or children are required to submit to a thorough background check and attend training. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Sandy Jones.