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Gratitude for Godly Play

Gratitude for Godly Play

by Angela Stengl on October 16, 2024

Three years ago, after the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, St. Dunstan’s made a transformative commitment to adopt Jerome Berryman’s Godly Play curriculum for the religious education of our children, ages 4 through 5th grade. Alongside this, we continued to embrace the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd model, both of which are rooted in the Montessori method. These spiritually enriching, hands-on programs create a child-centered environment where children can engage with liturgical themes through sensorial materials, deepening their connection with God. Thanks to your support, we have carefully developed a hybrid program that blends the best elements of both curriculums, enriching the spiritual journeys of the children at St. Dunstan’s.

As the school year approaches each year, we have reached out for your generous financial support to acquire the high-quality, handcrafted biblical lessons essential for each of our classrooms. In the Narthex, we’ve erected a “Godly Play Tree,” adorned with “apples” representing the lessons still needed to complete our curriculum. Many of you have embraced this opportunity, taking those apples and contributing faithfully to their purchase. It brings us immense joy to announce that, after three years of dedicated giving, we have successfully reached our goal! Each classroom is now fully equipped with all the lessons necessary to complete the Godly Play program!

The children and teachers of St. Dunstan’s are deeply grateful for your generous support in purchasing the lessons we needed for our Godly Play classrooms! Rest assured your contributions not only enrich our children’s learning experience but also help instill a firm foundation in their relationship with Jesus Christ. Because of your faithful support, we can continue to inspire creativity, curiosity, and a lasting love for faith in our young ones for many years to come. Thank you for being a vital part of their ongoing spiritual journey!


Mark 10:14   “Let the little children come to me, and do hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

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