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Children’s Ministries are Alive and Well at St. Dunstan’s!

Children’s Ministries are Alive and Well at St. Dunstan’s!

by Angela Stengl on August 21, 2024

St. Dunstan’s Children’s Ministries are gearing up to begin our 2024-2025 programs where all our children have numerous opportunities to grow closer to God. Read on to see the many ways your Children’s programs are hard at work, and the awesome parishioners who make it all happen!

Godly Play Fundraiser   

As we prepare our Godly Play classrooms for Sunday School beginning on September 8th, we are mindful of the story in the word “History”. The Bible is a rich anthology of historical stories that have been enjoyed by people over the centuries. However, many of these stories are difficult for our children to imagine with their “modern eyes”.   Godly Play seeks to bridge that gap by making these biblical stories more concrete and accessible for our children today.

In our Godly Play classrooms, a beautiful, handcrafted lesson is carefully placed in front of the circle of children in a box or basket, immediately focusing the group. The storyteller manipulates the beautiful visual aids as the story unfolds, which are essential for children to make meaning of these stories. The children’s curiosity is engaged as they wonder about what they have heard and seen. After the lesson, the children can choose to paint, draw, or sculpt their own interpretation of the story, internalizing the meaning more deeply. They can also take any lesson off the shelf and reenact the story for themselves or with a teacher.

These last three years we have slowly been equipping our three Godly Play classrooms with these handcrafted lessons in order to help our children form a deep and lasting Christian foundation.  Godly Play has many more rich stories that are waiting to be told. You may have noticed a small Christmas tree in the Narthex bedecked with an assortment of colorful apples.  On each apple is a Godly Play story waiting to be purchased. If you find yourself drawn to a certain Bible story, please take one of the apples to donate a Godly Play lesson. You can put the apple in the offering plate with your donation, send it in the mail with a check, or donate through the “Give” button on the church website. Your generosity will be a lasting legacy to the children of St. Dunstan’s, and will be utilized and loved for years to come!

Meet our Sunday School Teachers!

St. Dunstan’s is so fortunate to have very loyal and dedicated parishioners who are called to teach the youngest members of our congregation.

Toddlers   We proudly introduce Becky Renze, Jackie Moore, and Urania Hay as our newest Sunday School teachers. These ladies have formed a “teacher trio” to lovingly lay a firm foundation for our 2-3 year olds.

Level 1   Teachers Carol Cooper and Elizabeth Burks, have years of experience in the academic world and have joined forces to get our 4 year olds-1st graders off to a great start.  They often incorporate Catechesis of the Good Shepherd lessons as well, since Godly Play and CGS go hand in hand as models of the Montessori method.

Level 2   Dynamic duo Amy Claman and Christine Jamison, have our 2nd-3rd graders well in hand, building on their initial foundation.  They take Godly Play to the next level to prepare our children for Level 3.

Level 3   Veteran teachers Kim Sharp, Marsi Thomas and Burgess Stengl challenge our 4th-5th graders with enrichment lessons that go beyond the basics.  They are able to stretch the minds of our older children in preparation for middle school.

Come by the BEC any time to observe a lesson or to thank our dedicated teachers!

Children’s Chapel   

Say hello to our devoted Children’s Chapel teachers who rotate weekly to conduct liturgy for our children during the 9:00 and 11:15 services all year long

Jackie Moore, Julia Lilly, Patrice Jedlicka, Kathy Bell, Jodie Leach, Elsie Deming, Traci Schluter, Kathie Elliott, Naomi McElroy, Carol Hemphill, Burgess Stengl, Flint and Beth Risien, Amber Wheeless, Elizabeth Burks, Urania Hay and (newest member) Erin Blankenheim!

Our teachers facilitate Children’s Liturgy, primarily led by the children, to provide a better understanding of our Episcopal service on their level. When you see our little ones following the cross to and from Children’s Chapel, know that they are in capable, loving hands!

Children’s Choirs   

What church would be complete without the angelic voices of children singing praises to the Lord?  I am honored to teach the St. Nicholas choir (ages 4-3rd grade) with Naomi McElroy from 5:00-5:45 each Sunday. Our children have fun learning the basics and work each week to polish a performance piece.   We truly enjoy “making a joyful noise” unto the Lord!

Our older children, 4th grade-high school, make up our St. Cecelia choir led by our multi-talented music director David Horn from 5:00-6:00 Sunday evenings.  David’s years of experience working with children make this choir’s performances a treat not to be missed!

Our Chimes Choir is led by busy mom Naomi McElroy Sundays from 4:15-5:00.  Naomi’s lifelong participation with numerous bell choirs make her the perfect person to work with our 4th-12 graders!

As you can see, St. Dunstan’s is truly blessed to have many loyal and dedicated teachers ready to enrich the lives of our children, and provide a firm foundation in Christ.  Our church has always put our children first, and we thank you for your continued support which make these programs possible.  When you support our children, you are truly touching the future - today!!

To Donate:   www.saintdunstans.org/give



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