Kids Hope
Monday, March 24, 2025, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Below you will find information to help you get to know a little bit about us. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.
St. Dunstan’s Church is a liturgical church, which means that we use a structure every Sunday that doesn’t change, and many of the prayers are constant through the year, as well. We find this continuity in prayer to be a comfort in the midst of an ever-changing world. We also find that when we keep the prayers the same, we have a chance to let them change our lives. Our resource for our prayers is The Book of Common Prayer, which is shared with small local variations through the worldwide Anglican Communion, a family of churches in more than 165 countries.
During the worship service, you’ll also hear a lot of Scripture. God’s Word communicates his love to us in Jesus, so we cover a lot of it on Sundays! Many of our spoken prayers are simply scripture passages arranged as prayer.
The music & Eucharistic Prayers varies by service.
At the 7:45am there is no music, which creates a quiet, contemplative tone. This is a Rite I service using The Book of Common Prayer as a worship guide instead of a printed leaflet.
At the 9:00am enjoy music from the Praise Team. This service is called our Modern Traditional service, using Rite II language. We use traditional prayers while incorporating all the rich Episcopal traditions, and hymns but also enjoy the music of a full praise band.
A la 11:15am (español) disfrute de música contemporánea de alabanza y adoración. Este es un servicio de Rito II.
At the 11:15am the music is from the classical repertoire of hymns and anthems accompanied by organ and The Parish Choir. This is a Rite II service.
Please note that the 9:00am & 11:15am services are livestreamed and members of the congregation may be captured on camera during communion and other parts of the service.
Choose a service time and style that brings you closest to God. All the services, like our congregation itself, are united in a common celebration of Jesus’ love given to us in the sacrament of Communion.
When you enter our Church, our greeters will be located at each door with a service leaflet at the 9am & 11am that helps you follow along with the service. People start gathering in the pews about 15 minutes prior to each service to hear the prelude music and gather their thoughts and prayers for worship. Restrooms are located inside the church.
We welcome the joyful noises that small children make!
Childcare/Nursery is open for children ages: infants-5 yrs old (8:45am-12:45pm). The nursery is located in the north wing of the BEC (Bentley Education Center). Enter thru the doors under the porte-cochere.
PRAYground: Worship space reserved for young children and their parents is located near the choir loft. A soft space with soft toys and floor space for little ones to get the wiggles and giggles out during service while getting a front row seat to all the parts of worship. Pews available in the area or nearby for parental supervision.
Additionally, Worship Activity Bags are available for older children in the back of the church.
The Parlor (near the restrooms) is also available to Nursing Moms that wish to have more privacy. Changing tables are located in both restrooms.
Children's Chapel is offered every Sunday during the 9:00am and 11:15am services. Children ages 3 through third grade begin worship with their parents, and then process to the Children's Chapel, where they will hear the lessons, a sermon, pray, sing and worship God in an age-appropriate format. They will return to the church during the Offering so that they can join their family during Communion.
Listen to a sermon, visit our ministry pages, or contact us. If you would like to learn more about our church, please join us at a Virtual Coffee with the Clergy via Zoom. Click here to learn more. We also welcome your questions via email. Or Click Here to fill out a form so that we can Contact You!
And if you are in our area, we invite you to “taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8) and visit us this Sunday morning. Until then, may God bless you most abundantly.
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