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What is so important to blog about?

What is so important to blog about?

by Sarah Quiroga on April 28, 2021

What’s a YOUth Blog? That thought has been kicking around in my head ever since Katie Lamb, St. Dunstan’s Director of Communications, created the space on our revamped webpage over two years ago. You might think about doing a blog, she said, it’s a really good way to connect.

And yet this space has sat empty for the past two years. I could make the excuse that I didn’t have time to write something. The last two years have been very busy with the process of preparing for a new rector and this whole pandemic thing. I could make the excuse that I didn’t know how, but for over the last year I have been putting content on the Children’s Ministry Blog in the form of weekly Children’s Liturgy posts for Sunday services.

My best excuse is that I don’t know what to say, don’t know what to write about, don’t know what to share or who I’m sharing it with. And the biggest question: what is it that I have to say that is so important that people might click on it to read those thoughts. Being reluctant to start something new for fear of is a very convenient excuse. But it’s time to jump in feet first and fill this space.

So let me try to set some parameters on this YOUth blog space.

Who am I writing for—the parish in general? Parents? The youth of St. Dunstan’s? A little of all three, I think. I will use this as a space to talk to you as I would my family. At family gatherings, you’ve got kids, parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents all in one room. My church family is my audience.

When will I post to the blog? I’m aiming for at least once per month. Weekly content might be too big of a stretch right now, but who knows? Maybe once I get started, I won’t be able to stop.

What should my topics be? That is a bigger one to figure out. It will be faith driven, letting you know where I see God working in our lives here at St. Dunstan’s. Maybe it will be letting everyone know what is going on in the youth program. More often it might be something that strikes me as I’m driving down the road. Highway time is some of my best thinking time. Highway time is the best time for me to stop doing (besides driving) and start listening. God nudges me with a radio program, a song, a highway vista. That’s what I want to share with all of you.

So, first blog post done. I guess it wasn’t too hard. Katie was right, this is a good way to connect. Talk to you soon!  

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