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Beginning of Youth Programs and Planning for Summer 2025

Beginning of Youth Programs and Planning for Summer 2025

by Sandy Jones on September 04, 2024

I am looking forward to kicking off our Youth Programs for the 2024-2025 School Year on Sunday, 9/8/24. Sunday School begins at 10:10 AM in Youth Room 1 for Junior High (6-8 graders) and Youth Room 3 for High School (9-12 graders). The youth choir is also resuming that day at 5:00 PM in the Parish Hall.

There will also be a pot-luck dinner and family kickball game at 6:00 PM for all youth, children, and their families. I hope that all our families can bring a dish to share and join us for this fun event. Don’t forget to wear comfortable clothes and athletic shoes and bring your refillable bottles of water. I hope to see everyone there.

I would like to thank our wonderful youth volunteers who teach Sunday School, participate in Youth Group, and chaperone social and other events. A huge thank you to Whit Butler, Patrice Jedlicka, Dede Johnson, Rod Johnson, Henry Killen, Misty Schattle, Gerald Schattle, Angela Stengl, Mike Stewart, and Pam Stewart. We have been blessed with wonderful adult volunteers who generously give of their time and talents to bless our youth.

It might be difficult to believe, as we are just kicking off our youth program for the new school year, but it is already time to register for Camp Eagle for next year. In order for me to do that I need to know who all is planning to participate. Please email and let me know if your child is planning to attend ASAP as I have to reserve beds next week.

The Youth Group will have our first fundraiser to help pay for Camp in the morning on Saturday, October 5. The Annual Youth Garage Sale will take place in our small parking lot. If you have not already, please donate gently used items by dropping them off in room 315 of the Education Building. Also, please come shop as all the money we collect during the garage sale will go to pay for Camp.

If you have a child in grades 6-12, please join our Youth Remind by texting @stdsyo to 81010, so you can receive announcements about all our Youth events.

Please continue to keep the youth of St. Dunstan’s in your prayers as they continue to face challenges and make decisions that will impact their life’s journey.


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