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Fall Break

Fall Break

by The Reverend Beth Anne Nelson on October 05, 2022

Klein ISD has begun a new practice this year: there is a full week off in October marking a “fall break” for students. I am neither an educator nor an expert on child development, so I am not giving an opinion on the wisdom or folly of this decision; I leave that to far more knowledgeable individuals. I am going to speak today as a parent who has had a similar schedule for her child for three years now: there are new challenges and rewards to the system.

A bonus of the new schedule is that it means families who can take time off in the fall can go to a fun destination with fewer lines! A drawback to the system is that it is important to find something for our tiny humans to do during the day while we are away. It is also nice to have a few moments where the kids feel like they are having fun even if they are not on an exciting vacation.

St. Dunstan’s has a few events lined up for the week off:

  • Monday, October 10 at 12 p.m. is a playdate at Swanny’s. This is an event sponsored by our MOPS group; however, it is for anyone with the day-off. As October 10 is Columbus Day and many businesses (including the church) are closed, we thought it would be a fun day to gather for some food and fellowship.
  • Wednesday, October 12 from 11:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Camp Dunstan's with fun activities to fill a child’s heart and mind.
  • Wednesday, October 12 at 6:30 p.m. we will be watching the movie CoCo at Church complete with hot dogs and popcorn. 

So, whether you are part of Klein ISD or need a break, we hope that your family comes to some of the events listed above. One of the important aspects of our Christian faith is fellowship: the gathering together to enjoy company together. There will absolutely be prayer at each of these events, which will center our hearts in God. It is also an opportunity to laugh and have fun, and I think everyone can always use more joy in their lives.

For His Sake

Mtr. Beth Anne +

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