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Emergency Hospitality Team

Emergency Hospitality Team

by The Reverend Dr. Roman D. Roldan on July 17, 2024

TLDR: Opening the BEC as a cooling station last week was a blessing to many. We are now launching a new ministry to make this a more successful program in the future. Please read on for more information.

Opening Saint Dunstan’s Bently Building as a cooling station on Wednesday the 11th, Thursday the 12th, and Friday the 13th of July was a phenomenal idea and a blessing to a number of parishioners who benefitted from it. We know that Beryl was an early storm and that we are facing a potentially long and dangerous hurricane season. We will continue to need cooling stations in the future. As with many ideas, however, there were things we could have done better:

  1. We relied on our sexton to open buildings and allow people in and out during Wednesday but did not have a hospitality committee caring for our guests. They simply came in, found a place to sit with their friends, and socialized for some time in our air-conditioned space.
  2. On Thursday and Friday, we had several staff who volunteered to welcome and care for our guests, and everyone had a more pleasant experience, but we could have done a bit more to provide sources of entertainment and food for our visitors.
  3. We assumed power would be restored by the end of the week and made no allowances to open on Saturday. In retrospect, this was a mistake because power was not restored for most people until late Sunday, and in fact, there are a few families who didn’t have power until yesterday. (Like those of us who live on Terranova West.)

All things considered, our initiative to provide a friendly, safe, and comfortable environment for our families and guests was a great idea that many of you have lauded. The statements of gratitude from many have inspired the staff to launch a new initiative we have chosen to call the “Emergency Hospitality Team.” This is what we are envisioning:

  1. This will be a team of people of all ages (from older teenagers to retired parishioners) who will be activated at times of serious emergencies when large swaths of our community lose power, provided that we have power ourselves.
  2. I purposedly do not want a team composed exclusively of older parishioners because this segment of our parish is often the ones that will need the services the most, and we tend to over-depend on them. Young and middle-aged folks whose jobs and schools will be closed because of lack of electricity would be perfect for this team.
  3. The job description will include the following:
  4. They will coordinate the opening and closing of buildings and the management of the alarm system (training will be provided).
  5. If we have access to the internet, they will facilitate the streaming of movies in various rooms. If there is no internet (as was the case last week) they will play movies on DVD players. We will create a collection of titles to use.
  6. They will set up board games in various areas catering to families
  7. They will ensure ample supplies of fresh coffee, tea, lemonade, water, etc. We will gladly teach folks how to use our equipment to make coffee, tea…
  8. They will ensure that we have plenty of snacks, peanut butter, deli meats, condiments, and bread to make sandwiches. Folks will be encouraged to bring specific foods and beverages they might need, but we will have a supply of “emergency” foods to serve. Clergy discretionary funds will pay for supplies.
  9. They will ensure that we have hygiene products in all our bathrooms.
  10. They will ensure that at least one mobile phone with service is properly charged in case of medical emergency.
  11. They will coordinate the cleanup and preparation of spaces for the next day.
  12. They will keep staff and clergy informed of any needs they might have in terms of supplies. We will try our best to respond to their needs in a prompt manner.

If you believe this type of ministry is in your wheelhouse, please send an email to Dede Johnson at . We will collect names through the end of July and announce our coordinator and team by the first week of August.

I pray this new ministry will bless those in our community who are under great stress because of a natural or man-made disaster. I know it will bless the volunteers themselves. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding this new ministry or would like to contribute towards this new initiative.

Blessings to all,

Fr. Roman+

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