You are invited to worship with us at 7:45am | 9:00am | 11:15am (english) | 11:15am (Spanish) | on Sunday Mornings.

Please note that the 9:00am & 11:15am services are livestreamed and members of the congregation may be captured on camera during communion and other parts of the service. The nursery is from 8:45am-12:45pm Sundays for infants - 5 yrs old.  A PRAYground is available near the choir loft for parents and young children who need a little wiggle and giggle space.  The Parlor (near the restrooms) is also available to Nursing Moms that wish to have more privacy.  Changing tables are located in both restrooms. 

Annual Meeting Jan. 26

Click Here for Livestream

Annual Meeting Slides

Sunday Livestream

If you have technical difficulties connecting to our Livestream, contact Kyra Helmick

Leaflet 9:00am Worship  | watch website

Leaflet for 11:15am English Worship | watch website

Leaflet 11:15am Spanish Worship | watch website

9:00am watch Vimeo   |  11:15am watch Vimeo | 11:15am Facebook Live (Spanish)

    Watch via YouTube

    watch via Facebook

    Livestream Archives
